+ Activating the Healer Archetype Within:
Gain a deeper understanding of which herbs and natural remedies are safe and appropriate to work with to support conception and enhance fertility.
+ Listening to your body:
Learn simple, practical tools to connect with your body’s own innate wisdom. Develop the confidence to trust this inner knowing and make educated and intuitive decisions that will empower your health.
+ Understanding the ideal Feminine hormone profile for conception:
The endocrine system is a mystery for most people. We’ll delve into the environmental factors that are currently impacting women’s hormones and how we can utilize foods, herbs and natural substances to create more hormonal balance, thereby insuring an optimal environment for conception to occur.
+ Learn the secrets of Aphrodite’s appetite:
An intense exploration of aphrodisiac herbs, plants, aromas and foods for getting your libido lifted.
+ Bruhana is for Budding Babies:
A detailed Ayurvedic perspective on building/nourishing substances to promote fertility and insure a healthy and viable conception.
+ Vibrational medicine, flower essences & aromatherapy to support the subtle level cultivation of conception.
As much as we may mentally think we’re ready to conceive, sometimes there are blockages on the energetic plane that need to be cleared before we are able to open ourselves as the Life Giving Portal we are. Learn which vibrational tools can assist on this path.
+ Sundari DIY recipes for natural remedies and beautifying body care:
Let the beauty of your inner Devi radiate forth with the full force of optimal feminine health. Enhance your shakti by making your own simple yummy products including herbal elixirs, lymph decongesting breast balms and tonifying aphrodisiac yoni balms.
+ Shamanic plant and flower baths:
In Amazonia, a long tradition of bathing with botanical and floral substances is employed to cleanse the auric field of old, unwanted energies and enhance our abilities as creators and manifestors. Learn how to perform this ritual, ideal times for doing so and what plants and flowers that grow in your area can be used.
+ The Midwife’s Perspective on herbs and natural remedies to enhance libido and address conception challenges:
We’ll discuss tendency towards miscarriage as well as other common complications that may occur.