Sacred Motherhood Blueprint founder, Aubrey Bamdad during her pregnancy.
by Angela de la Agua
When a mother is carrying her child in the womb, it is a holy experience of true yoga- union. There is no other time in the life of a human when absolute union with another is experienced. This is a highly powerful time for a mother to connect with the soul of her child and make a highly powerful impact on the forthcoming life of her child.
In my previous post, I had the honor of sharing about the power of the Holy Womb Chakra, the sacred energy center hidden within all humans. Within the vast realm of these once-hidden ancient teachings transmitted by Divine Mother and transcribed by the Saptarishis onto palm leaf manuscripts, there is a specific subset of astonishing teachings and practices regarding Sacred Pregnancy.
What is described offers a higher perspective of the power of birthing children and the power that all mothers carry to bring healing and protection to her child in the womb. Incredible soul advancement can take place while the child is in the womb. It is a tremendous opportunity to clear karmas of the child, activating the child’s path for a life of embodied divinity.
Artist: Tamara Phillips
Through specified ancient practices, all mothers have the ability to divinely birth children into the world.
The Holy Womb Chakra is the divine creation point within us, and where we connect directly to the creation energy of Divine Mother. All souls come from Divine Mother’s womb, thereby we each have a direct connection to Her. When a soul enters a mother’s womb, the soul enters through her Womb Chakra. This creates a direct link between the mother’s Womb Chakra, to the child’s Womb Chakra, and the womb of Divine Mother.
When worked with intentionally through ancient practices, the Womb Chakra becomes a conduit for transmitting direct empowerments from Divine Mother to the soul of the child in the womb, healing karmas, protecting the child (and mother), and blessing the life of the child. These are practices for mothers to work with on her own (or joined by her partner) to address all aspects and concerns of pregnancy from pre-conception preparation, conception, the duration of pregnancy, the precise timing of birth, and the raising of the child thereafter. These practices make for the best possible pregnancy experience, while working with sacred intention and direct connection to the child’s soul.
Artist: Alex Grey
There is no greater time to bring healing to the child’s soul than when held in the safety of the womb, protected from the karmic cycles and illusions of the outside world.
Artist: Vanja Vukelic
The ancient teachings state that a child divinely born into the world is spiritually advanced with less karma to contend with. It is said that while all humans incarnate to work through karmas, these children will be able to meet their karmas more easefully and swiftly, enabling their soul energy to expand and strengthen more rapidly. This enables these humans to show up in divine service to others more readily. These are children who bring completion to greater karmic cycles, ending ancestral patterns of trauma. They are born into this world with radiance, already knowing their divine truth. They are born as natural healers, teachers, leaders, and loving presence in the world.
Incredible divine support is available to mothers now from this sacred information that was once reserved for high divine saints. We are in evolutionary timing on the planet now, when mothers are invited to remember the true miraculous power of their wombs and to truly set the highest intention for their children birthed into the world.
At a time when the collective question asked is “How can we heal our planet?,” the answer comes from souls who have yet to walk this great green earth. They ask to be invited in so they may help heal the world.
At the heart of these sacred practices for mothers is the reminder that the mother is the most powerful healer for her child, above all others. There is no greater force on our planet than the love a mother has for her child. These ancient teachings serve to empower women to remember this truth, and to embody this truth in the world.
Angela de la Agua is a certified teacher and healer of the Holy Womb Chakra System, as taught by Sri Kaleshwar, the modern day Indian saint who retrieved and re-introduced these essential teachings to the world. Visit for more information about healing sessions and Sacred Pregnancy practices.