by Jai Stringer
What truly unites a family? Partners? A mother? A father? A baby? For me, for my family I feel our experience was woven together by the strength & power of our prayers. To pray is to open oneself to the Divine~ to that God/Goddess essence that is within all of us, that which connects us as beings of Spirit. It is to be vulnerable, to expose your heart, to be courageous enough to experience and touch upon raw truth. It is to navigate in a new way while trusting your expression to be guided by something more then just your mind.
photo credit Cadence Freeley
To pray together as a family means to take time out of the hustle of doing. To connect heart felt desires. What is it that we feel we need to work on together, how can we accomplish these things for our relationship, for our family. Together my husband and I set an intention which is behind every prayer we say to do good things for our family, for our community and for this this earth, to honor and cherish all of life, to be in service of healthy and harmonious relations all across the planet. By unifying with him as my partner, by taking the time to understand his perspective and honor the unique love that he feels for all of creation I am able to express my prayers knowing that he is fully supporting me, praying along with me. The trust we have established allows me to step away from my busy mind and open myself the wisdom beyond what is immediately tangible. It allows me to connect with God on a level deeper then I can think about with my intellect. It allows me to touch with my expression that which is holy and sacred within all. The creative essence then becomes something that was not simply bestowed upon me, it becomes that which I am.
Inspired organic words spoken out loud, on the earth before God and in honor of life have a potency that extends beyond our imaginations. Once prayers have been offered, having unwavering trust that they are being/will be answered is essential. Being flexible and having an allowance for how things show up is vital to this process. Often opportunities are not what our critical mind judges them to be. If we have the courage and strength to work with what shows up in our life then there will be more opportunities for transformational perspective shifts that will open us to our role in the Divine’s plan.
The limitless, loving, all encompassing power that resides deep within you and me could also be described as the life essence of all beings. This Divine essence is that which gives us the power to unite and channel new life into this world. The prayers we say which support the miraculous gifts our children are connect us to and remind us of the creative force that brought them into this world. I feel that our children are the precious medicine that we as parents need to continue to grow, heal and become fully empowered.
By honoring my family with continued prayer I feel I remain close to that pure light of Creation, which connected me to them in the first place. My ability as a mother to recognize that light in my children strengthens the loving connection I have for each of them physically, emotionally and spiritually. I also believe this bond deeply solidifies the partnership I have with my husband. Our prayers both individually and collectively weave an energetic blanket of protection that rests upon all our shoulders as a reminder of our unification and eternal love.